Monday, February 13, 2023

Welcome to read and visit the latest information of the portrait painter Wan Jun Yan !  

Welcome you to order and collect your and your family's perfect oil painting portraits !  

We are here for the lovers of oil painting portraits from around the world, like and appreciate various perfect oil painting portraits created by Wan Jun Yan, as well as high-end buyers and collectors from around the world who would like to entrust him to create various oil painting portraits for you and your family, for customers offering the best service for all kinds of oil painting portraits creation.

Profile of The Painter:
Wan Jun Yan ( English name: Wan Jun Yan ), born in July 1960 in Shanghai, China,  is a Contemporary Art Master,   Painter,   The Abstract Painter,   The Portraits Painter,   Thinker,   The Cosmologist,   The Naturalistic Scientist,   Writer,   Fine Art Educator.

He created various high-end oil painting portraits, with accurate figure modeling, the painting of the persons' spiritual traits and temperament is accurate and true, beautiful, elegant, stylish, it can fully express the unique and true charm of various persons !   His works are the most valuable for collection.  Welcome you to order and collect!  Wan Jun Yan can create various perfect oil painting portraits masterpieces for you and your family ! 

欢迎您阅览和参观肖像画家万俊彦的最新的信息介绍 ! 
欢迎您定购和收藏您和您的家庭的理想的油画肖像画 !


万俊彦( 英文名:Wan Jun Yan ), 1960年 7月出生于中国上海 ,   当代艺术大师、画家、抽象画家、肖像画家、思想家、宇宙学家、自然科学家、著述家、美术教育家。

他创作的各种高端的油画肖像画作品,人物形象造型准确,对人物的精神特质和性格气质的绘画准确真实,美丽,高雅,风格潇洒,能充分表现各种人物形象的独特真实的魅力! 他的油画肖像画作品是最有收藏价值的,欢迎您定购和收藏 ! 万俊彦能为您和您的家庭创作各种理想的油画肖像画杰作 !

The various high-end oil painting portraits original works by Wan Jun Yan on display this time:

Ms. Wang Xin Yuan Portrait ,  Oil on Canvas  116.7 x 91 cm   by  Wan Jun Yan.    Private Collection.
王新媛女士 油画肖像    作者:万俊彦.    個人收藏.

Portrait ,  Oil on Canvas  100 x 80 cm   by  Wan Jun Yan.    Private Collection.
油画肖像 100 x 80 cm   作者:万俊彦.     個人收藏.

Ms. Yiao Wei Portrait , Oil on Canvas  100 x 70 cm   by  Wan Jun Yan.  Private Collection.
姚伟女士 油画肖像 100 x 70 cm    作者:万俊彦.    個人收藏.

American Children Portraits ― Oil On Canvas  138 x 96 cm  by  Wan Jun Yan.     Private Collection.
美国儿童们 油画肖像 138 x 96 cm   作者:万俊彦.     個人收藏.

If you want to entrust Wan Jun Yan to create various perfect and high-end oil painting portraits for you and your family, please contact us in the following ways.  Thank you so much for your reading, support and interested !  

假如您想委托万俊彦为您和您的家庭创作高端理想的油画肖像画作品,请使用以下的各种联系方式联系我们,非常感谢您的阅览,支持和关注 ! 


WhatsApp  44 74 0486 4133  
Phone  44 74 0486 4133   
WeChat ( 微信 )    Wanjunyan2016

Wan Jun Yan Art Studio,  All Rights Reserved.  万俊彦绘画创作室 版权所有

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